Parents discussing lersonal pronlems with child
Parents discussing lersonal pronlems with child

parents discussing lersonal pronlems with child

Some of those adult children want no contact because their parents behaved in ways that were clearly abusive or rejecting. I also treat adult children who are estranged from their parents. Since I wrote my book When Parents Hurt, my practice has filled with mothers and fathers who want help healing the distance with their adult children and learning how to cope with the pain of losing them. “If I get sick during the pandemic, will my son break his four years of silence and contact me? Or will I just die alone?” “How am I supposed to live with this kind of pain if I never see my daughter again?” “My grandchildren and I were so close and this estrangement has nothing to do with them. As a psychologist specializing in family estrangement, my days are spent sitting with parents who are struggling with profound feelings of grief and uncertainty.

parents discussing lersonal pronlems with child

Sometimes my work feels more like ministry than therapy.

Parents discussing lersonal pronlems with child